Yes, it is true. Of all the direct selling, direct marketing, multilevel marketing and network marketing companies existing in the world now, Winalite's Core Product, the Love Moon Anion, can be promoted via websites on the internet but can only be sold through a real, live, one-on-one, demonstration.
Even Winalite websites that show a video presentation of the demonstration cannot convince its viewers how its product, Winalite's Love Moon Anion compares with its rivals. For example, there is simply no way the viewer can physically touch and examine a wet pad.
This is the Main Feature of the way Winalite markets its products, especially its Flagship Product, the Love Moon Anion.
Not only is the product radically different than its competitors, its most striking feature cannot be simply viewed on u-tube television: it just has to be examined physically. Thus, Winalite's product enjoys an advantage over other brands because it requires confirmation of its claims directly from the potential customner.
It is also unique because in order to view the demonstration, the person must either locate a local Winalite distributor or go to the nearest Winalite service centre where regular demonstrations are conducted each week.
The product's non-availability on retail shelves adds to its exclusive nature. To buy a product, a person has to order it from a registered Winalite Distributor. Repeat orders can be delivered directly to the buyer but the buyer must at least have opened an account with the company through a Winalite Distributor. This ensures the integrity of the selling process: from enquiry, interest, purchase and repeat sale. In this process, the Distributor is always close and available to the customer because a Distributor's income is determined by the way he or she conducts his or her own business. Thus, a direct customer relationship is formed and it is this relationship which is the basis of all of Winalite's transaction: it is a relationship based on integrity, service, trust and love. As such, the Winalite approach is intrinsically a business of love and extrinsically a business of service and communication. What value!
Add on to the fact that the product is a generic use product, falling into the category of "essential item" makes the product a perpetual and recurring need and want item. Over time, with education and improved incomes and healthy lifestyles, Winalite's Love Moon Anion is well positioned to grab the biggest market share of all time. It is, in fact, the only Patented sanitary napkin or pad in the world.
As we all know, direct marketing companies have sprouted like mushrooms all over the place especially so with the onset and booming internet markets but Winalite's Love Moon Anion must simply be demonstrated in front of a prospect in order for anything to happen, much less a sale.
This is not an indictment of the plethora of Winalite's websites which have sprouted like weeds after a heavy downpour, and will remain there despite the dearth of online traffic nor competition between Winalite's Distributors themselves, or intra-competition, which is competition between Winalite's own corporate office and their own Independent Distributors. Nor is it a disincentive for wannabe website developers to promote their Love Moon Anion but frankly, I have seen all of those online demonstrations and nothing really beats a real, live, one-on-one demonstration.
The product's features mean that you have to see the demonstration to see the evidence. This is where I believe, and absolutely confident, Winalite is the best Direct Marketing company to win the hearts and minds of its customers including its Business Partners from all over the world: It is truly a humbling experience and it truly creates a level playing field for every player from any strata, demography, condition and orientation of society.
In fact, Winalite is The Only Generic Direct Marketing Corporation in the world whose (which?) slogan "Technology Creates Love" coincides remarkably accurately with its motto , "All we do is in the name of LOVE". It is the quintessential Corporate Theme which engenders an even dearer theme, which can be seen in its Corporate Mission: "To make Winalite a Top International Brand Name and one of the Top 500 Companies in the World by forming a group of top management as well as marketing elites around the world and by synergizing the latest techniques in healthcare technology and e-commerce".
Is it any wonder then that from this Corporate Mission, the greatness of Winalite's Trading and Operating Philosophy can be discerned from its declared Corporate Vision which is:
"To help others create a life of ultimate freedom by nurturing a force of love in this world and by providing career opportunities that cares for consumers as well as healthcare products that are innovative and a corporate culture that stresses on spiritual values".
It isn't any accident therefore a clue to the company's raison d'etre must come from this statement found in one of the company's many literature. On dedicating its existence to women, the company focuses on Mother. On this subject, the company reads: "There is only one best woman in the world: she is our loving mother." The company's reading continues further: "There is only one most beautiful voice in the world: that is the call from our mother".
How succinct, beautiful, perceptive and sensitive can the statement be? It can only come from Mr Vincent Chen, the founder and spiritual guide of the company. He has a personal loss to tell us: the basic and intrinsic motivation for founding Winalite International with a world's first Patented sanitary pad which features the green Anion strip when he could not stop the slow death of his most beloved women in his life, his own mother who finally succumbed to cervical cancer.
Such profound dedication to his late mother prompted him to bequeath millions of dollars to product reaearch, quite obviously to find out what really caused cervical cancer and how terminal and deadly could it be? This resulted in a product which took three years to develop and be ready to be launched into the market but took another three years to be patented in 169 countries in order to protect the invention so as to also protect the interests of its more than five million Business Partners from all over the world.
The invention is so ingenious it also incorporates anti-counterfeit technology which many counterfeiters are finding it hard to emulate or copy.
There are simply no secrets in Winalite: The Goal is to achieve $US7.5 billion by 2017 which would position the company as the Largest Direct Selling Company in the World.
Independent Distributors like my wife and myself welcome this opportunity to participate in what has been hailed as "The Greatest Business Opportunity of this Century". We invite you to participate in this wonderfully warm and loving opportunity, one that for a start, you review your own use of pads, and ask yourselves: Do I really love my wife when she is wearing an inferior pad full of dioxins (poison)? Do I want to shortchange my children when I know they are being poisoned? Do I want my wife to risks endometriosis leading to infertility? Do I want my family to suffer the indignity of having a bacteria-laden pad even when the pad is new in its packet? Do I want them to suffer embarassment and discomfort from a poor quality pad which is so wet it leaks? What can I do to provide a better solution? Isn't love all about wanting the best for your family?
As a father of many children, my love for the family isn't just about food, quality time, education and instilling good ethical values. It is also knowing that I do not purposely poison them through the very things they wear.
Today's entry is also to salute my wife who is my best partner and supporter in the program of spreading Winalite love. Here is my gratitude: some pictures of her demonstrating to a group of women of all ages at a recent private meeting held at a public space.
With all my love to all the women in the world who have to suffer the pain of menses and its consequent effects on women's beahviour and the incongruity of a poor, second-rate pad, let us make this place a better place to live in by ridding ourselves of the ignorance and indifference toward dioxins, the most poisonous of toxins which infiltrate our bodies and souls and causes irreparable damage and harm to family and civil society when we have a better and reliable choice.
Till another day for another entry ....
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