Friday, November 26, 2010

Tampons or Pads? Dioxins or No Dioxins? Anion: Anaerobic Bacteria Worst Enemy

"Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare bacterial illness that caused over 50 deaths between 1979 and 1980. Unlike medical grade cotton, upon which the TSS toxin will not grow, the rayon acts like a petri dish encouraging bacterial growth. What makes these toxic residues even more disturbing, is that they come in direct contact with some of the most absorbent tissue in a woman's body.

According to a doctor at New York University Medical Center, almost anything placed on this tissue, including Dioxin, gets absorbed into the body.

Why is it acceptable to have toxic substances in our feminine hygiene products? The tampon industry is convinced that women need bleached white products. They seem to think that we view this as "pure" and "clean." The fact is, if Dioxin puts women at risk for cancer and Dioxin is stored in fatty tissue (just like that found in the vagina), and a woman uses as many as 11,000 tampons in her lifetime, could the long term use of tampons increase cancer risk?

An FDA report said that "the most effective risk-management strategy would be to assure that tampons, and menstrual pads, contain no Dioxin." Although the FDA currently requires tampon manufacturers to monitor Dioxin levels, the results are not available to the public. The dioxin tests, are done by the manufacturers themselves, who insist their products are safe. Tampon manufacturers are not required to disclose ingredients to consumers, although many will do so voluntarily.

How much Dioxin exposure is considered safe for humans? Why has there been more research done on the possible health effects of chlorine-bleached coffee filters than on chlorine bleached tampons and related products? Women need to demand that more research be done on these issues. We have a right to know about any potential hazards associated with tampons and related products. It is only when women fully understand the consequences that we can make informed decisions regarding our health and well being."


Answer: Why not switch to Love Moon Anion by Winalite which is patented by FDA and is DIOXIN FREE? It is the only sanitary pad which carries a health benefit and is patented in 169 countries. It also carries a product liability in the millions. Learn about the invention, the green strip of the pad which produces Negative Ions. This negative ions oxidises therefore killing anaerobic bateria within 20 seconds of contact.No bacteria, no associated risks of sickness and disease and in fact, also restores the immune system, something which dioxins does very well, ie, destabilises a women's immunity.

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