Friday, November 26, 2010

Why should men be concerned about women's health?

Hi, my name is Onn Ibrahim and I am the undeclared and unofficial person who is concerned about women’s health, I want you to know about it.

Why? Because women is my mother, my wife, my children, my mother’s sisters and my children’s daughters. They are also my friend’s wives, partners or relatives.

I was born from a women and I owe them my life.

I stumbled upon this product which is so revolutionary it will one day be the replacement for all of women’s pads. Ever. Including the modern tampon. The market is worth at least $100 billion for the company which is marketing this product.

What is it called? For now, I will just call it a miracle product. What does it do? It saves women’s misery for her condition. It also prevents diseases and imminent cancer. Best of all, when loyal to the product and referred to others, the product also makes the user rich.

Amazing story? Not really when you consider my experience with the product. Have I used it? Yes, in some ways but not in the normal way women use it, but in other uncommon and unthinkable ways with surprising results. It worked on me!

Now, some people might be asking what am I doing in a women’s area. In fact, the area is so personal and private, most men wouldn’t dare come close to it. But I will tell you a secret: this product works for both women and men. If you know its benefits and its scientific performance, you will know how to apply a problem to get the result you want.

What is so special about this product? Let me tell you straight on. It actually replaces all the common symptoms associated with women’s health and that concerns her private parts. Now, before I go on, let me tell you about the movie rating system. This subject hardly borders MA or even X classification because it is so useful to everyone, everyone and especially men too should know about it. Why? Because of the happiness associated with the relationship that will improve men’s and women’s behaviour as a result of using this product.

There are really two aspect to the problem. First, it is the problem of privacy. Can a women share her secrets with men? I am sure they can. They share it with their gyno. Can a man intrude into a woman’s private concern. They should if they love women.

It is as simple as that. As a man, I have always loved a woman. Which right thinking and right inclined man would not want to see a beautiful woman, a naked woman, a terrificly intelligent women. The sight of a beautiful and brawny women makes a man go wild.

The same thing too if a man knows that a woman deserves a better pad. I can assure you your private moments would not be the same again.

So let us get back to this pad. Who invented it? Why is it so special? Why should men get involved with it? Why should women review their entire practice about pads and switch to Love Moon Anion by Winalite International?

By the way, from the outset I might just say that this is the only pad in the world that is patented. Remarkable? Not when you know what happened when the Winalite people were applying for FDA certification. Imagine, a regular women’s pad being applied for FDA Certification? What the .....?

Anyway, let us move on. The pad is remarkable because it combines two special germ-fighting quality and physical-protection into one nice neat package which is food-enabled. In other words, the packaging is aluminium and could also keep your food. "Why?" you ask? If a pad passes FDA certification, that means it is edible, right? Not quite. It is nearly edible because from the start of the manufacturing process, until it is vacuum-sealed, individually, it is never touched by human hands. In other words, it is completely clean, and in fact sanitized. Uncontaminated basically

Secondly, some parts of the pad and package contain glue. This glue is not industrial glue but the glue you find on chewing gums. In other words, the glue used on the package and pad is edible and therefore it is certified as such by FDA. It is also biodegradable and therefore environmentally-conscious and -friendly.

The story was that the Fed authorities requested that the product’s submitters, Winalite USA, confirmation that the product was actually made in China because after testing its claims, the Feds couldn’t believe China could produce such a superior and extraordinary product. They, the Winalite people complied, and that was how they got the certification from FDA.

Now like everybody knows, it is simply not easy to get FDA certification. It is one of the toughest certifying authorities in the world and especially in industrialised economies. FDA’s certification means that the product is simply safe to consume or use.

Now, at this stage, we might conjecture as to the fate of all other manufacturers of pads and tampons: did they submit their product for FDA approval and certification?

If they did, then we wonder on what basis were they certified because it they were certified as safe, and it is sold in the market, we ask again, is the product safe because of the purity of the materials used or because the world has not woken up to the fact that recycled materials contain dioxin: one of the most carceinogic chemical compounds the world's scientists have ever come across.

In fact, according to a United States government draft report recently, it was found that dioxins and furans are some of the most toxic chemicals known to science. The 1994 EPA report even stated that dioxins pose a serious public health threat and clearly describes dioxins as not only appearing to have no "safe" level of exposure to dioxin, but levels of dioxin and dioxin-like chemicals have been found in the general US population that are "at or near levels associated with adverse health effects."

The report continued by asking whether dioxins cause cancer and the reply was a strong yes. As far as exposure to dioxins is concerned, the report stated that in addition to cancer, exposure (to dioxin) can also cause severe reproductive and developmental problems (at levels 100 times lower than those associated with its cancer causing effects).

Dioxin is well-known for its ability to damage the immune system and interfere with hormonal systems.

Dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased fertility, reduced sperm counts, endometriosis, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung problems, skin disorders, lowered testosterone levels and much more the report stated.

So how are our loved ones exposed to dioxins? Simple. This is what happens and it is happening right now at this very moment I am writing. Why? Because no one wants to expose the dirty secrets of the big tampon and pad manufacturers. In fact, the medical profession and industry is complicit in not allowing information about dioxin to be better publicised and more research undertaken as to the effects of dioxin exposure such as that being used in sanitary pads: the basic and essential stuff which is supposed to protect our women.

In fact, sanitary pads are taken for granted by women there is hardly a murmur of disbelief when I tell them the facts. Sadly, women are skeptical about what I tell them because they really think their pads and tampons are safe. This is the great myth of the present pad and tampon wearers. The notion that their pads is clean, sanitized, comfortable and secure is about to be exposed until I actually show the evidence to them through a real live 20 minute demonstration.

Then you see the shock on their faces!

The time has come when we expose this scam.

But let us start with the topic and the buzzword recycling. Is recycling good? Of course it is good as our planet's natural resources are dwindling at a rapid rate and we find it hard to keep up with meeting the world’s consumptive demand in replacing these precious natural resources and commodities such as paper. But do we know some of the sinister going-ons with respect to recycling paper? How is a pad manufactured now without recycled paper being one of the materials in its production? Let us take a closer look at what the US study has to say.

According to the report, “(D)ioxin is a general term that describes a group of hundreds of chemicals that are highly persistent in the environment. The most toxic compound is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD. The toxicity of other dioxins and chemicals like PCBs that act like dioxin are measured in relation to TCDD. Dioxin is formed as an unintentional by-product of many industrial processes involving chlorine such as waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing and pulp and paper bleaching.

Dioxin was the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, was found at Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY and was the basis for evacuations at Times Beach, MO and Seveso, Italy.

In addition the report stated that “(d)ioxin is formed by burning chlorine-based chemical compounds with hydrocarbons. The major source of dioxin in the environment comes from waste-burning incinerators of various sorts and also from backyard burn-barrels. Dioxin pollution is also affiliated with paper mills which use chlorine bleaching in their process and with the production of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastics and with the production of certain chlorinated chemicals (like many pesticides).”

Note the areas where dioxin originated. It is mostly from paper mills and when it is recycled, it is bleached which again involves dioxin. It is safe to say that paper from the first time it is manufactured until is recycled, contain dioxin.

Yes. The EPA report confirmed that dioxin is a cancer hazard to people. In 1997, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) -- part of the World Health Organization -- published their research into dioxins and furans and announced on February 14, 1997, that the most potent dioxin, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, is a now considered a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning a "known human carcinogen."

Also, in January 2001, the U.S. National Toxicology Program upgraded 2,3,7,8-TCDD from "Reasonably Anticipated to be a Human Carcinogen" to "Known to be a Human Carcinogen." See their reports on dioxins and furans from their most recent 11th Report on Carcinogens. Finally, a 2003 re-analysis of the cancer risk from dioxin reaffirmed that there is no known "safe dose" or "threshold" below which dioxin will not cause cancer.
A July 2002 study shows dioxin to be related to increased incidence of breast cancer.

So why are we exposing our loved ones, our women and children to dioxin and risk their health as well as lives?

Not only is the report a damming evidence against the deleterious effects of dioxin and dioxin exposure, all other reports since 1994 have exposed terrifying evidence of dioxin and dioxin-related illnesses and disease. What are we doing about it? Why are women using pads without even asking the ingredients in the contents of the package. If we are circumspect about what goes on in a bottle of marmalade, why aren’t we doing the same scrutiny to a packet of pads or tampons?

Why are we letting off these silent causers of women’s illness? It does appear that dioxins is a contributory cause to many of the illnesses we find among women in the modern era. It does appear that continued exposure to dioxins can lead to serious health issues. Why isn’t anyone talking about it?

My suspicion comes down to dollars and sense. The more we talk about replacing pads and tampons, the more shaken the industry will be. It is really petrodollars at stake here. Imagine if one honest manufacturer were to find a way to expose the cartel of complicity among unscrupulous manufacturers of pads and tampons using recycled materials. He would be hailed a hero by women and would be an instant candidate for the Nobel Prize. He would, in a manner of speaking, even rivalled, Bill Gates.

More of Onn’s Pad Story in the coming days when I am able to write ....

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