Read the sad theory of a woman medical doctor.
"Wish I Was A Man!
Did you know that tampons and pads are bleached with toxic dioxins? Tampons are actually worse because the dioxins are more apt to cause complications with a woman's reproductive organs. How do I know this? I have suffered from the pain of endometriosis. Once I was diagnosed with it, I read a lot about it. Endometriosis is one of the main causes of infertility in women. Rates of infertility and endometriosis are at an all-time high. Of course, not enough research has been done and most women do not hear about this particular risk with using tampons.
Should you use the "pill" to stop a menstrual cycle completely? I have actually subjected my body to this type of treatment a few years ago. It did assist my body in reducing the pain caused by the endometriosis. However, it is important to understand there are risks with taking a pill to stop your menstrual cycle. Heart attack, stroke, ....just to name a few of the side effects.
Although I agree not having a menstrual cycle is a fabulous occurrence, do the drug companies really have an interest in safety for women? I am not as trusting. The hormones in any type of birth-control pill have serious risks. And if you ever stop the continuous taking of the pill, you are in for the most horrendous period of your life when it begins again. I seriously thought I would die from the cramps! Just beware!
Choices are definitely nice to have. As a woman, I will continue to remain concerned about the safety of the options women have been given. I only hope that the billion dollar industries for tampons, pads and even the pill really do have our best interests in mind. Is it all safe? The infertility...the high rates of cervical cancers...are all questions for concern that I do not believe have been completely answered. In the meantime, the pad is probably the best bet, though not the most comfortable one. It is hard to be a woman but I thank God I was born in an era where I do not have to use an actual rag!
If I am going to be completely honest, I use a combination of both the pad and the tampon. I already have endometriosis and I am already infertile. What difference does it make now if either of these products have contributed to this disastrous health condition? My options, as with all women, are limited. I just want a better explanation for the high rates of endometriosis, infertility and cervical cancers. This affects all women and the men that love them!"
Readers are encouraged to know more about the doctor. Learn more about this author, Kathryn Hoover - M.Ed. SCL and to send feedback to her by clicking on a box on her website:
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