Friday, November 26, 2010

Tampons still have dioxins and when used 16,800 times won't you get sick?

"The FDA says that the exposure to dioxin from tampons today "is many times less than normally present in the body from other environmental sources, so small that any risk of adverse health effects is considered negligible." However, according to Dr. Phillip Tierno, director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at the New York University Medical Center and a leading expert on the health risks of tampons, even trace amounts of dioxin are cause for concern because tampons come in contact with some of the most absorbent tissue in the body. In addition, the effects of dioxin are cumulative and can be measured 20 to 30 years after exposure. That is particularly troubling because tampons are used by up to 70 percent of menstruating women in the U.S., and it has been estimated that the average woman may use as many as 16,800 tampons in her lifetime."

"While the dioxin hazard from bleaching has been reduced in recent years as a result of new bleaching methods, dioxin is still detected in tampons - even those made of 100% cotton. The EPA states that, due to decades of pollution, dioxin can be found in the air, water, and ground; thus, trace amounts of dioxin may be present in the cotton or wood pulp raw materials used to make tampons. According to the results of studies conducted by tampon manufacturers and submitted to the FDA, dioxin levels in the rayon raw materials range from undetectable to 1 part in 3 trillion. More recently, a study sponsored by the FDA Office of Women's Health and published in 2005 found detectable levels of dioxin in seven brands of tampons, including at least one 100% cotton brand. Although the FDA currently requires tampon manufacturers to monitor dioxin levels in their finished products, the results are not available to the public."


Qn: 70% of women use tampons against pads in the USA out of which each one of them uses16,800 tampons in her lifetime. While the jury is still out as to the safeness of dioxins detected in tampons, the amount of dioxin contained in each tampon is still secretive and by law protected. How will women ever know why they get sick and when they do get sick, it is already too late for them? Is there a conspiracy against women so medical professionals and industry can benefit? Just a thought to ponder. Wear tampons at your own risk.

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