Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Who is Heather C Guidone?

Heather C. Guidone is a freelance health writer and researcher. She has been involved in consumer health for over a decade as an advocate, writer, researcher, activist and editor. Heather has also served as Lead Writer, Director of Operations, and an Executive Board Member of the Endometriosis Research Center, an International 501(c)3 non-profit organization for education, research facilitation and support, since the organization was founded in early 1997. As Director of Operations and Lead Writer, she conducts medical research using peer-reviewed sources and compiles a myriad of educational materials based on those findings. Heather is also responsible for liaising with fellow Executive Board Members on varied activities and opportunities, including grants and funding; education and research; and policy-making and lobbying. She attends and reports on various international medical conferences and symposia; networks with medical, biopharmaceutical, medicolegal and related industry professionals to establish research projects, product focus studies and clinical trials; oversees chapter activities and protocols in the United States, Europe, Caribbean and Canada; and presents frequently as a guest speaker to advocacy groups, medical professionals and students. Recently, she was among the nominees considered for appointment to the United States Food & Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research's (CDER) prestigious Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Board.

Heather is a member of the American Medical Writer's Association and the World Endometriosis Society, and serves as an Advisor with Mednalysis Corporation's MedCouncil. She has also been an America Online Health Community Leader for the AOL Health Network since 1996. A finalist in's "Short 'n Suite Writing Contest," her winning entry concerning Endometriosis on the Internet was featured in the book, "Real People, Real Stories: How the Internet is Touching Lives." Heather has been included in the 20th edition of "Who's Who Among American Women," and is a former member of's Women & Patients Advisory Board, as well as the previous Editor of's EndoZONE and Endometriosis Pavilion websites. Heather has also served as a three-term judge, by invitation, for the National Health Information Resource Center's celebrious "World Wide Web Health Information Awards" Program.

She is the Co-author of the foreword in the best-selling book "Coping With Endometriosis," by Glenda Motta, RN, MPH and Robert Phillips, Ph.D (Avery Publishing). On- and off-line clients featuring her content ranging from Terrorism to Women's Health to Medical Conference Coverage include The Journal of Gynecologic & Obstetric Investigation; Bella Online, where she currently serves as the Gynecology Editor; CoolMD;; Galaxy of Health; Terrashare;; the National publication, Health Magazine; Women's Diagnostic Cyber;; Themestream; Comcast Media's National "Eye on Health" feature column; Thrive@Health; Health Frontier; the NSW EA (Australia); the National Women's Health Information Center: Menses United Kingdom; the Equus Sanctuary; and The Health Channel, to name but a few.

Her important testimony concerning Dioxin exposure was read before the California State Legislature at the invitation of Assemblyman Dennis Cardoza in support of AB2820, a consequential bill calling for the independent investigation of toxins in feminine hygiene products. She also co-authored the text contained in various legislative Resolutions (545, 160, and 707) passed by local and National lawmakers in 2002 and 2003, including House Concurrent Resolution No. 291, a groundbreaking National Endometriosis awareness Resolution. The Resolution was unanimously passed by the 107th Congress of the United States, and is the first such Legislation ever to pass in the United States concerning Endometriosis.

Heather resides outside NYC.

For the website information of Heather C Guidone, please visit

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